Service Level Agreement (SLA)

Sleep well while we provide essential services to ensure the website's basic functionality and security. We're available to be your trusted website support technician, on our following plans.

Maintenance & Retainer plans

For a small monthly fee we'll be there when you need us the most, based on your plan taken. As we know how down time can effect your advertising and operations. We'll try and resolve your issues within a timely manner.

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General Web SLA Service Plan

Basic Functionality

Cost Price Breakdown:

  • Recommended for vanilla and WordPress websites

SLA Features

DNS, CDN, Email and Web Hosting Server connection.

? • Our DNS Managed Cloudflare Account Connection
• Domain Name Server to point to us. We will manage your DNS e.g. A records and MX records.
• CDN Configuration and DNS Configuration may have down time or technical issues if migrating from an existing website or domain's DNS. We will try and resolve your issues within a timely manner.
• Email Hosting Server Connection: We will connect your email hosting server to your domain name server. We will manage your email hosting server's DNS e.g. MX records.
• DNS and Name Server change can result in 2-4 hour down time on the quicker end, on the end average 24hrs and on the longer end 48-72hrs.
• Web Hosting Server Connection: We will connect your web hosting server to your domain name server. We will manage your web hosting server's DNS e.g. A records.
• We will troubleshoot issues as they arise. Email hosting (emails on the host, in theory should not be affected) as we're not migrating said emails.
• New emails during down time will bounce back to the sender, as failed delivery. Due to the name server and DNS switch.
• We will try and resolve your issues within a timely manner.

Analytics for Dashboard WordPress & Phone App, Setup

? • Our Analytics Managed Account Connection

Search Console (Appear On Google Search)

? • Our Search Console Managed Account Connection

Backup Copy (Locally)

? • We keep a Master Backup Copy

WordPress Updates (Self Managed)

? • Client to enable auto update or Manually perform own updates, we will not be responsible for any issues that may arise from updates.

Contact Form Spam Protection

? • Hidden honeypot Field Box for Vanilla websites
• Google Recaptcha for Wordpress websites, using form7 contact forms.

Wordfence - Basic Setup

? • Firewall
• login security

Uptime Monitor & Reporting

? • This is important for when you run ads especially due to the fact that you are paying for every click.
• Provide us with your Email and we'll auto forward you Reporting on your website uptime.

Self Cater

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Wordpress SLA Service Plan

Standard Functionality

Cost Price Breakdown:

  • WordPress websites

SLA Features

Includes Basic Plan

? • See other plans.

Starter Cookie Acceptance Banner and T&Cs, Disclaimer, and Terms of Service

? • GDPR, POPIA, and other legal requirements may require legal professionals and or enhanced cookie and script tools.

Backup Copy (Cloud and Locally)

? • - We keep a Master Backup Copy (Cloud and Locally)

Builder Licensed Updates

? • Leased for updates only.
• limited Admin WP Access, no Builder Access during SLA. We will make builder components or post blocks for you at our hourly rates, we will not be responsible for any issues that may arise from updates.

WordPress Updates (Self Managed)

? • Client to enable auto update or Manually perform own updates, we will not be responsible for any issues that may arise from updates.


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Wordpress SLA Service Plan

Maintenance Retainer

Cost Price Breakdown:

  • WordPress websites

SLA Features

Includes Basic and Standard Plans

? • See other plans.

Wordpress Auto Updates, supported (Enhanced Security & Future Features)

? • We offer technical support. We will not be responsible for any issues that may arise from updates. However, will wil try and help to fix and resolve issues that may arise.

Priority Standby and Maintenance for regular plugins

? • Limited to Update Issues

Oxygen Builder and Ecosystem Plugins Update Maintenance

? • We will keep auto update Oxygen Builder and Ecosystem Plugins on. When requested, we will step in to resolve issues if the updates breaks. e.g. rollback, restore backups, research and troubleshoot.

Php Update assistance, when wordpress or Oxygen builder requires it

? • At client's request.

Most Popular

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Wordpress SLA Service Plan

Security Retainer

Cost Price Breakdown:

  • WordPress websites

SLA Features

Includes Basic, Standard, and Advanced Plans

? • See other plans.

Security Retainer

Up to 24-hour Log History Analysis, during suspected breach event or website denial of services event.

? • WordPress, Server & Cloudflare logs

• 5 WAF Rules & 3 Page Rule (Adjustments limit)

• Server side, WordFence and cloudflare log analysis and countermeasures, when requested.

• Emergency threat level escalation defense, when requested.

• Wordfence log analysis and countermeasures, when requested.

WordPress Hardening

Advanced Wordfence/iThemes Security Configuration


Folder security Policy


WP Login URL Change


Server-Side Hardening

? • PHP/MySQL/htaccess

Managed Cloudflare

WAF & Page Rules (Cloudflare Setup)


5 WAF Firewall Rules


3 Page Rules


Origin Security Certificate


Hidden Web Server IP


Backup & Restore

Priority Standby


Monthly Auto Backup, kept on hosting, for reverts.


Data Migration to an earlier pre-infection backup, if required.


Once Off - Setup Fees for Non-Hosting/Non-Cloudflare Clients

Accounts Directly in client's control, note CSP optional extra.

  • CDN, DNS, Cloudflare WAF & Page Rules Configuration:
  • htaccess Hardening:
  • Server-Side Hardening:
  • Wordfence + Solid Security Configuration:
  • CSP + Security Headers (A Score):

Managed Benefits

Clients with managed hosting & managed cloudflare by us, under the Comprehensive Plan enjoy waived setup fees for:

  • Cloudflare WAF & Page Rules/Security Plan
  • htaccess Hardening
  • Server-Side Hardening
  • Wordfence + Solid Security Configuration
  • N/A - Optional Extra - CSP + Security Headers (A Score):