website pricing

Are you frustrated with low-quality websites that fall short of your goals? Built hastily with shortcuts that compromise their effectiveness? You've come to the right place. We specialize in building high-quality websites and revamping existing ones to meet your needs.

We’re the team that steps in to fix outdated websites or help clients start fresh with a site designed to foster growth and achieve their objectives. With a track record of satisfied clients and successful projects since 2012, we’re excited to help you take the next step toward a better online presence.

Choose the Right Package for You

Includes the optional creation of a "Website Architect Blue Print" known as a WireFrame & Figma Mockup Design or we can base the design on sites/designs you link us.

Where we engineer your vision with modern trends and best practices in mind, to be approved before we start building.

Showcase Image


1 Page Website
Hosting Available

Static Website

Cost Price Breakdown:

  • R1770 - Homepage/1 Web Page

Total: R1770

Website Features

1 Responsive Web Page

? • Home Page e.g:

• Landing Page

• Sales Funnel

• Leads Capture Page Domain

? • 1 Year Registration

• Renewed Annually


? • Quality Hand Coded

• Non CMS/Not for Blogs

• Not WordPress

• More Secure

• Minimal Maintenance

• Cost Saving

Popular Contact Methods

? • PHP Mailer Contact Form, Social Media Icons, WhatsApp Or Email Hyperlink

Image Grid

? • Image grid of up to 6 pictures.

• Optimized with WebP format.

Summary of Company
& Services

? • We provide a Q&A form for the client to fill in.

• Copywriting services is optional.

• 5 W's of Business:



? • Friendly Mobile & Tablet

Upgradeable To CMS / Framework

? • Additional Services Available @ a fee

• e.g. Can upgrade to WordPress

• To Astro-Framework, Upgrade Supported

• To Oxygen Builder, Upgrade Supported

Can Add Additional Pages

? • @ an estimate FEE of R150+ per page.

• Depending on requirements such as:

• Custom JavaScript, PHP, SEO, Animation, Graphics and Copywriting.

7-14+ Days Turnaround Time

? • Once forms have been completed

• Graphics & content made or supplied

• Final approvals given

• Full 9hr days stability/electricity availability

Upfront Booking Required

? • Custom commissioned work

• 100% Time Slot Booking Fee

• Required Upfront (Package Amount)

Stock Images

Stock Image Services

? • Free Tier - Stock Images

• We will provide you with a website/s to browse to find potential stock images to use on your website.

• We will place up to 1-3 images per page, that you have selected.

• We will compress and change the images into a WebP format for faster website loading speeds.

• T&Cs of the Stock image website/s apply.

Blog Disabled

N/A - Upgrade Available

? • Not Included

Best Value

Showcase Image


5 Page Website,
Hosting Available

Static Website

Cost Price Breakdown:

  • R1770 - Homepage/1 Web Page

  • R1200 - Extra Pages/4 Web Pages, @R300 per page extra

Total: R2970

Website Features

5 Responsive Web Pages

? • Home Page e.g:

• Landing Page

• Sales Funnel

• Leads Capture Page

Other Pages:

• About Us

• Services

• Showcase

• Contact Page with Maps Embed

• Team

• Etc. (Limits Apply) Domain

? • 1 Year Registration

• Renewed Annually


? • Quality Hand Coded

• Non CMS/Not for Blogs

• Not WordPress

• More Secure

• Minimal Maintenance

• Cost Saving

Popular Contact Methods

? • PHP Mailer Contact Form, Social Media Icons, WhatsApp Or Email Hyperlink

Image Grid

? • Image grid of up to 6 pictures.

• Optimized with WebP format.

Summary of Company
& Services

? • We provide a Q&A form for the client to fill in.

• Copywriting services is optional.

• 5 W's of Business:



? • Friendly Mobile & Tablet

Upgradeable To CMS / Framework

? • Additional Services Available @ a fee

• e.g. Can upgrade to WordPress

• To Astro-Framework, Upgrade Supported

• To Oxygen Builder, Upgrade Supported

Can Add Additional Pages

? • @ an estimate FEE of R150+ per page.

• Depending on requirements such as:

• Custom JavaScript, PHP, SEO, Animation, Graphics and Copywriting.

7-14+ Days Turnaround Time

? • Once forms have been completed

• Graphics & content made or supplied

• Final approvals given

• Full 9hr days stability/electricity availability

Upfront Booking Required

? • Custom commissioned work

• 100% Time Slot Booking Fee

• Required Upfront (Package Amount)

Stock Images

Stock Image Services

? • Free Tier - Stock Images

• We will provide you with a website/s to browse to find potential stock images to use on your website.

• We will place up to 1-3 images per page, that you have selected.

• We will compress and change the images into a WebP format for faster website loading speeds.

• T&Cs of the Stock image website/s apply.

Blog Disabled

N/A - Upgrade Available

? • Not Included

Blog Ready

Showcase Image


5+3 Page Website
Hosting Available

WordPress CMS Blog

Cost Price Breakdown:

  • R1770 - Homepage/1 Web Page

  • R1200 - Extra Pages/4 Web Pages, @R300 per page extra

  • R1200 - CMS/ Wordpress/3 Blog Template Pages, @R400 per page extra

Total: R4170

Website Features

5 Responsive Web Pages

? • Home Page e.g:

• Landing Page

• Sales Funnel

• Leads Capture Page

Other Pages:

• About Us

• Services

• Showcase

• Contact Page with Maps Embed

• Team

• Etc. (Limits Apply) Domain

? • 1 Year Registration

• Renewed Annually

CMS - Blog Ready

? • Quality Hand Coded Design

• WordPress CMS/for Blogs

• Built with Oxygen Builder

Popular Contact Methods

? • PHP Mailer Contact Form, Social Media Icons, WhatsApp Or Email Hyperlink

Gallery or Slideshow

? • Gallery size up to 18 Pictures. Optimized for the web with WebP format.

• Or slideshow size up to 9 pictures.

• Client supplies custom pictures, stock pictures or commission us to make custom pictures.

Summary of Company
& Services

? • We provide a Q&A form for the client to fill in.

• Copywriting services is optional.

• 5 W's of Business:



? • Friendly Mobile & Tablet

Upgradeable To E-Commerce / Services

? • Additional Services Available @ a fee

We Recommend:

• an Updates & Maintenance Plan

• a Security Plan

• a Backups Plan

• Advanced SEO Plan


• Can upgrade to Woocomerce Supported

Can Add Additional Pages

? • @ an estimate FEE of R150+ per page.

• Depending on requirements such as:

• Custom JavaScript, PHP, SEO, Animation, Graphics and Copywriting.

7-14+ Days Turnaround Time

? • Once forms have been completed

• Graphics & content made or supplied

• Final approvals given

• Full 9hr days stability/electricity availability

Upfront Booking Required

? • Custom commissioned work

• 100% Time Slot Booking Fee

• Required Upfront (Package Amount)

Stock Images

Stock Image Services

? • Free Tier - Stock Images

• We will provide you with a website/s to browse to find potential stock images to use on your website.

• We will place up to 1-3 images per page, that you have selected.

• We will compress and change the images into a WebP format for faster website loading speeds.

• T&Cs of the Stock image website/s apply.

Blog Enabled

3 Blog Pages/Template

? • Blog Post slider/Blog Post on Homepage

• Template Single Post Page

• 404 Page

Most Popular

Showcase Image


5+8 Page Website
Hosting Available

WordPress CMS Portfolio

Cost Price Breakdown:

  • R1770 - Homepage/1 Web Page

  • R1200 - Extra Pages/4 Web Pages, @R300 per page extra

  • R3200 - CMS/ Wordpress/8 Blog Template Pages, @R400 per page extra

Total: R6170

Website Features

5 Responsive Web Pages

? • Home Page e.g:

• Landing Page

• Sales Funnel

• Leads Capture Page

Other Pages:

• About Us

• Services

• Showcase

• Contact Page with Maps Embed

• Team

• Etc. (Limits Apply) Domain

? • 1 Year Registration

• Renewed Annually

CMS - Blog Ready

? • Quality Hand Coded Design

• WordPress CMS/for Blogs

• Built with Oxygen Builder

Popular Contact Methods

? • PHP Mailer Contact Form, Social Media Icons, WhatsApp Or Email Hyperlink

Gallery or Slideshow

? • Gallery size up to 18 Pictures. Optimized for the web with WebP format.

• Or slideshow size up to 9 pictures.

• Client supplies custom pictures, stock pictures or commission us to make custom pictures.

Summary of Company
& Services

? • We provide a Q&A form for the client to fill in.

• Copywriting services is optional.

• 5 W's of Business:



? • Friendly Mobile & Tablet

Upgradeable To E-Commerce / Services

? • Additional Services Available @ a fee

We Recommend:

• an Updates & Maintenance Plan

• a Security Plan

• a Backups Plan

• Advanced SEO Plan


• Can upgrade to Woocomerce Supported

Can Add Additional Pages

? • @ an estimate FEE of R150+ per page.

• Depending on requirements such as:

• Custom JavaScript, PHP, SEO, Animation, Graphics and Copywriting.

7-14+ Days Turnaround Time

? • Once forms have been completed

• Graphics & content made or supplied

• Final approvals given

• Full 9hr days stability/electricity availability

Upfront Booking Required

? • Custom commissioned work

• 100% Time Slot Booking Fee

• Required Upfront (Package Amount)

Stock Images

Stock Image Services

? • Free Tier - Stock Images

• We will provide you with a website/s to browse to find potential stock images to use on your website.

• We will place up to 1-3 images per page, that you have selected.

• We will compress and change the images into a WebP format for faster website loading speeds.

• T&Cs of the Stock image website/s apply.

Blog Enabled

8 Blog Pages/Template

? • Blog Post slider/Blog Post on Homepage

• Template Single Post Page

• Blog Archive Page

• Category Page

• Tag Page

• Author Page

• Search Results Page

• 404 Page

Prices are subject to

Hosting via our hosting services* - Prices are subject to change if hosting not via us. (Additional fee may then apply)
Buy to own =/= reselling our websites/code/templates. (Not allowed to resell without prior written approval.)
Only CMS/Wordpress Based Website are available for self hosting/release fee. Vanilla hand coded websites are only available for hosting via us with an SLA.