website copy

Explore our professional website copywriting services designed to enhance your online presence.

Our expertly crafted copy will engage your audience, boost your SEO, and effectively communicate your brand's message.

Choose the Right Package for You

A typical website's average word count "per page" is about 250-350 words. So, don't be average and STAND OUT!

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Website Copy
SEO Rich Wording
& Structure

500 Words

Cost Price Breakdown:

    • Up To 500 Words

    • Up To 1 Page (Headline, Paragraphs, Text Structure)

    • Questionnaire/Discovery & Research

    • Grammarly Or/And Prowriting Aid - Checked

    • Ai Enhanced & Human Curated

    • Includes Revisions
      (Until ETA Delivery)

    • AIOSEO - "Green" Passing Page Grade Compliant

    • Up To 7 Project Days

Total: R500

Main Features

Up To 500 Words


Up To 1 Page

? • (Headline, Paragraphs, Text Structure)

Questionnaire/ Discovery & Research


Grammarly Or/And Prowriting Aid - Checked


Ai Enhanced & Human Curated


Includes Revisions

? • (Until ETA Delivery)

AIOSEO - "Green" Passing Page Grade Compliant

? • N/A - If a static website (Not WordPress)

Google Search/SEO: 0 Trendy Keywords


Optional Competitor Research (N/A)


Up To 7-10 Project Days


Best Value

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Website Copy
SEO Rich Wording
& Structure

750 Words

Cost Price Breakdown:

  • Up To 750 Words

  • Up To 2-4 Pages (Headline, Paragraphs, Text Structure)

  • Questionnaire/Discovery & Research

  • Grammarly Or/And Prowriting Aid - Checked

  • Ai Enhanced & Human Curated

  • Includes Revisions
    (Until ETA Delivery)

  • AIOSEO - "Green" Passing Page Grade Compliant

  • Google Search/SEO: 5 Trendy Keywords

  • Optional Competitor Research (Up To 3)

  • Up To 7-10 Project Days

Total: R1250

Main Features

Up To 750 Words


Up To 2-4 Pages

? • (Headline, Paragraphs, Text Structure)

Questionnaire/ Discovery & Research


Grammarly Or/And Prowriting Aid - Checked


Ai Enhanced & Human Curated


Includes Revisions

? • (Until ETA Delivery)

AIOSEO - "Green" Passing Page Grade Compliant

? • N/A - If a static website (Not WordPress)

Google Search/SEO: 5 Trendy Keywords


Optional Competitor Research (Up To 3)


Up To 7-10 Project Days


CMS Ideal

Showcase Image


Website Copy
SEO Rich Wording
& Structure

1000 Words

Cost Price Breakdown:

  • Up To 1000 Words

  • Up To 5 Pages (Headline, Paragraphs, Text Structure)

  • Questionnaire/Discovery & Research

  • Grammarly Or/And Prowriting Aid - Checked

  • Ai Enhanced & Human Curated

  • Includes Revisions
    (Until ETA Delivery)

  • AIOSEO - "Green" Passing Page Grade Compliant

  • Google Search/SEO: Up to 10 Trendy Keywords

  • Optional Competitor Research (Up To 5)

  • Up To 7-14 Project Days

Total: R2000

Main Features

Up To 1000 Words


Up To 5 Pages

? • (Headline, Paragraphs, Text Structure)

Questionnaire/ Discovery & Research


Grammarly Or/And Prowriting Aid - Checked


Ai Enhanced & Human Curated


Includes Revisions

? • (Until ETA Delivery)

AIOSEO - "Green" Passing Page Grade Compliant


Google Search/SEO: 10 Trendy Keywords


Optional Competitor Research (Up To 5)


Up To 7-14 Project Days


Most Popular

Showcase Image


Website Copy
SEO Rich Wording
& Structure

1500 Words

Cost Price Breakdown:

  • Up To 1500 Words

  • Up To 5 Pages & 1-2 Blogs (Headline, Paragraphs, Text Structure)

  • Questionnaire/Discovery & Research

  • Grammarly Or/And Prowriting Aid - Checked

  • Ai Enhanced & Human Curated

  • Includes Revisions
    (Until ETA Delivery)

  • AIOSEO - "Green" Passing Page Grade Compliant

  • Google Search/SEO: Up to 15 Trendy Keywords

  • Optional Competitor Research (Up To 10)

  • Up To 7-14 Project Days

Total: R2500

Main Features

Up To 1500 Words


Up To 5 Pages &

? • 1-2 Blogs + (Headline, Paragraphs, Text Structure)

Questionnaire/ Discovery & Research


Grammarly Or/And Prowriting Aid - Checked


Ai Enhanced & Human Curated


Includes Revisions

? • (Until ETA Delivery)

AIOSEO - "Green" Passing Page Grade Compliant


Google Search/SEO: 15 Trendy Keywords


Optional Competitor Research (Up To 10)


Up To 7-14 Project Days
